
Our newest addition to the Aims suite of custom products, AIMSPlusMax© is our flagship application, enables senior service providers to accurately and efficiently manage and track client information, case management, home services, transportation routes, meal schedules, agency service costs, perform electronic claims billing and batching to eCIRTS… Plus a lot more. With CareMan© Case Management application built in, its what gives it the MAX!



CareWorks© Considered as the “Lite” version of CareMan© Case Management application, is our leading Case Management product designed to be more suitable for our OAA providers to enter 701 assessments on clients right in their home. It boasts all the features of the CareMan© application, less the electronic Care Plan and Vendor Authorization modules. Effortlessly and efficiently manage clients, assessments, case notes and case logs, all from the field!


Our MealMan© application enables home-delivered meals coordinators and congregate site managers the ability to accurately and efficiently manage client's initial and annual 701 assessment information... A REAL TIME SAVER!